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Who are Ascended Masters?

Souls who walked on earth and completed the reincarnation cycle. These souls have undergone spiritual transformations from the numerous births they have had on earth. In the spiritual hierarchy they are the highest. There is no higher ascension.

These souls have different roles to play but the ultimate goal is to help humanity. When born on earth they would be born to different religions that is become a way of categorizing and conceptualizing for us humans. But to these souls they have no religion in their mind, they feel they belong to one race. They choose to live a life as an embodiment of divinity. These souls are treated as gods.

These beings possess unconditional love and willing to help those who ask for it. As a human you may feel drawn to a particular religion or god this does not happen by accident. Each master has a different role and you feel connected to one or many masters as your sub conscious wants to.

Difference between Angels & Ascended Masters

Ascended masters have lived in human form, walked the earthly realm and lived alongside humans. They had had many births and evolved with each reincarnation.

Angels on the other hand are called as messengers of god. They have not lived in human form. Each of us have angels protecting us. They protect us from harm. Most of us have two or three guardian angels. One who takes care of our physical protection and one who takes care of our emotional protection.

Let's dive in

Did you know that we are also on the path of ascension?

In the past to have an Ascended master as your guide was rare. This was reserved for souls with a higher vibration than many. But today the ascended masters are available to anyone who wants help. Have you ever felt your prayers being answered soon? This is your ascended masters helping you in the earthly plane.

Before you were born into the world your soul, literally and I mean quite LITERALLY sat with a team of guides and ascended masters who would support you on the journey you have undertaken. The ascended masters who have already walked the path that you would be taking guide you through your steps. You just need to call out and ask for help. When you are born most of us forget our roles and karma. Our minds forget but our soul remembers and keeps connecting to the realms and guides.

When speaking about ascended masters and angels I personally don't think one person would have the complete knowledge about it. When you do your research, find out more in details. The spiritual world is vast. As you read other books and articles you would or should I say rather your soul would resonate with some points. That is what the guides want you to understand.

Quotes I connect to
  • "The Lord is not a person with sense organs but consciousness itself. God is consciousness. There is essentially nothing in the Universe but mind or consciousness." - Paramahansa Yogananda

  • " How are we supposed to treat others? - There are no others." - Ramana Maharshi

  • " The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death." - Osho

  • " Our life is the creation of our mind." -Buddha

  • " Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you." - Prophet Muhammed

  • " Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace." - Dalai Lama

With Love,

Celestial Light

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